Monday 29 May 2023

Life update as a 3rd poster HO!

 Assalamualaikum and hi guys!

Been long time since im not updating my blog hahaha😂

Well, im not actually planning to continue writing on this blog pun, as my intention in the first place is solely

to make this as a reference site for my juniors/ friends regarding eho matters. 

And seeing it been passed to one anothers, i guess and hopefully it does helps🥰


Time sure passed very fast! Im still denial im a 3rd poster and nearly entering 4th posting. 

But, am i a good ho, am i a knowledgable, know-everything-senior, skillful branulogist?

No im not😅. 

Can't denied, probably much better than my first day life as a ho who struggling to insert and taking blood. I now can do it, but am i everytime succesful? Truthfully not, honestly taking blood, branula i would say nasibbb hahaha. there's time you are proud baby sucessfully inserting branula/ taking blood of a known- difficult- line patient, but there' s time it just not ur lucky day. As a 3rd poster, i still ask for help or we call 'SOS' for branula/blood taking. There's day you re the hero, there 's day you're the one in need of help😂 Dont worry, asking for help doesnt mean youre not good, even senior poster do ask for SOS, as i said there's some days that youre just not lucky LOL.

As a 3rd poster, i still have a lot which i think im first time on doing it, and there's always a first time regardless how many posting you've been. So if u dont know, just ask! And if you know you have not done it before, for example how to refer this certain case/issues/ how to do this and that, just asked, because it may be you in the future that encounter the situations. 


Along this journey, i have lost some of my friends that quit HO, know seniors who quit on their 5th posting, heard MO who quit. 

Am i ever feel wanna quit? Yes i am, but i still continue. Why? Cause i dont know what to do other than this, and i cant imagine doing other things LOL🥲 Are you feeling the same? *hugging from far hahaha

Do my friends who quit is a loser? No they are not. In facts, im a proud friend who envy of their determination and knowing what they want in life.


How do i survive till now? What are my advices for juniors?

1. Don't be hard on yourself!

My junior 4th day of life tagging with me for first time, i end up taking bloods and helping her inserting branula.

She said she feel sad and useless for not able to do it.

Let me tell you, when i was a first poster, i took the first month solely and mainly focusing on taking bloods.  The next month, then i focusing and starting learn inserting branula.

I started learning inserting cbd in my 2nd posting!!

Its okay take your times! Just know, there's always first time in life.

2. Try by yourself first!

Please try poke your patient, please try insert branula, please try to learn rather than just passing to your senior without trying. 

Dont be the first poster who " tolong pasang branula/ tlg amik darah, tak dapat", but turn out not even trying, solely passing to your seniors🥲

3. Life day by day as your moto in life !

Know that this day will ends, know that tomorrow is another day. Keep in mind everything happens on this day, it ends today. Tomorrow is a new day and new start. 

Know that this week will ends. 

And walla you have ends your posting 😂

4. Have a good support system, have a circle to share your problems, to vent out, to gossip and to maki your boss behind 😂😂  

With venting out and sharing stories with your friends, you'll feel relieved. Being alone and keeping by yourself, is detrimental to your mental health. 

Have a circle where you can go out lepak, go out jalan2. I jalan2 with friends, to perak, to penang, picnic and many more on our off day. Let your stress free. 

Honestly speaking, i survive till now thanks to them, thanks for existing in my ho life!

5. Enjoy whatever you can, do anything what make your working life happier 

I enjoy working at certain places, i enjoy working with some bossess, some colleagues. So i request to work at certain places, i plan my shift so that i can work with the good boss, so i usually end up working with same bosses😂 But who cares, they are good, they make my life tenang, as long as your captain granted ur request, why not

Some enjoy talking and chitchatting with nurses, with patients. So depends on yourself. 

I enjoy taking mirror selfie during night shift  i enjoy taking video when i night shift 😂

6. Dont MIA, dont pass shit to others

Its okay if you are junior who slow doing things, its okay if you're junior who always asked for help and eager to learn.

But to be MIA when boss rounding, to go back early when you job is not settle, to expect yout senior doing your things and not saying thank you. Is not good🥲

Trust me, when you do bad things, people will not bother to help you in futute. Even captain can make ur schedule bad as revenge😂  

7. Help others and others will help you

As direct as it is, yes please lend your hands when you are free. You will be amaze, help come later even when you are not asking for. Be good, and people will be good to you. 

I think that's all! Thank youu and enjoy anything you can as ho! 


Ohhhhhhh, my last advice is dont spend money much on buying things for ho!

The solely main things you need 


-card holder

-cop x 2


-good shoes

-OT things

- hundred of pensssssssssss
