Friday 20 May 2022

E-Ho (E- houseman)Day May 2022!!

 Assalamualaikum and hi guys!

Post ni sambungan dari TIPS EHO

Berbanding dengan post sebelum ni, yang lebih kepada tips dan guide isi eho, 

Post kalini lebih kepada pengalaman dan situasi pada hari kejadiaan eho

Arrive at cybercafe

So, if you guys recall from previous post, i did my eho dekat cybercafe, came early, book 2 pc. Actually, i book 4 pc, another 2 untuk my friend satu batch uia, ainun🤣 So that we can sit next to each other. 

Suddenly, ada one girl tanya nak book untuk ho ke? jom duduk sekali. So i say okay boleh. 

While waiting for ainun, i buka website eho and start setup the google extension. Suddenly, got one guy come to me tanya minta ho ke? dari mana apa semua. I thought he was a dr nk bgi tips ke apa hahahha. He really have that charisma n confident ye bercakap hahah. Rupanya, dia pun nk minta ho. Tapi dia nk minta shah alam i guess.Tak silap he from cucms kot.

 Banyak dia ckp, i just nooding my head, jawab sepatah. Cause nervous ye nk buat the extension , ape la mamat ni ckp. Mmg tak masuk telinga dan ingatan. Sorry 🤣  Then, suddenly he gone haha.

(So that is the guy, syazwan. The marron hijab girl, syahida, n wearing green hijab my ainun!) We end up buat video tiktok juga hahahah! Syahida is so friendly, she is the one ajak buat tiktok!

Apparently, syahida pun nak minta hospital bahiyah. So, kitorang dh jumpa one new friend, our future colleague🤣 Oh of course, ainun as well minta same hospital. 

Setup google extension

So after dah setup my google extension, i helped ainun. 

Then, syahida n syazwan realize that. And said they didnt do it n dont know how to do it. 

I end up helped those two smpai dh 11.30 am. 30 minutes more left for eho! The remaining time, i recap and taught them what to fill in. Then, syazwan talk a lot and bawa chat with us. But, i literally x ingat n x masuk telinga apa dia tnya n sembang dah🤣 Sorry syazwan lol. 

Get ready for battle!!

Then, we get ready infront of our own pc. Baca doa banyak2

Besides us, ada juga orang lain yg minta ehouseman juga dkt cybercafe tu. 

So, right on 1159 50 seconds like that. I spam login

Then, ainun cakap dah masukk!! Damn! My first tab crashed!! Second third 4th tab crashed!! Database error! 

I dont know, everything  happen so fast tau! Gotta do anything to survive lol!

So I refresh the first, error juga. refresh next2 next. Suddenly, can go through yes yes yes finally up to last page. I click negeri kedah terus, laju je smooth keluar list hospital kat kedah. So, the tips yg ckp tekan specific negeri will crashed & slow. Nope! if your internet laju, mmg laju je. If ur internet slow, tekan semua negeri also buffering!!

Then, quickly klik hospital sultanah bahiyah! 

Kena klik kotak pengakuan, damn my hand so shaking k. POINTER  MOUSE TU LITTERALLY mcm ular just to arrive to the damn kotak🤣 Terpaksa guna tangan kiri support tangan kanan. Finally can!!


But then, surat tawaran loading gila! Syazwan ckp dia pun dh dapat! but surat tawaran not yet. 

While I waiting for surat tawaran, tetiba ainun " weh aku x dpt masuk tak dapat!!" 

2 pc all tab crashed!! ( ainun's case)

Ainun punya first pc, semua tab database error tak boleh log in sumpahhh! Not even the page login appear😭

Im panicking about her, but mine also surat tawaran not yett downloaded, so idk lepas ke tak😭 Then finally dapat!

Okey, now focus ainun!

So, i tell her to focus on one pc, i handle the other one. Refresh mutlitple times tak lepas langsung to login page! kau rasaa😢 (Ni yg I cakap previous post, 2 pc pun crashed, might as well book whole row hahahha)


Enough, i use my another pc utk tlg ainun! Tapi tula susah sbb both my pc dh google extension my ic n password. Nk tolong ainun, kena retype balik all. Takde masa nk buat new extension babe!! 

Takpe, type je! About 20 minute i guess tak dapat lagi tau untuk ainun, duk Refresh2😭

Then, syaahida also dah settle. Pressure ainun, sorang je tak dpt lgi in our row tu. Then, ainun call for help from friend dkt Perak, kak syiro to the rescue! Then, dapat go through🥲🥲 But loading dkt list hospital. 

Meanwhile, my pc pun dpt go through utk ainun! (I realize bila same akaun dpt login in diff devices, the first n second page dah terisi because the other person yg buka dh isi, but the last page usually akan buffering lama sbb both tgh buka) But usually, the faster internet yg akan dpt settlekan.

Suddenly, two friend called me for help! But i decline as i still helping ainun😩

Then, tak ingat how many minutes after, ainun's friend (kak syiro) manage to secure her a place in hosp bahiyah. alhamdulillah thank you allah!

My drama of surat tawaran!

If u recall, i actually have download my surat tawaran before helping ainun kannn??

Guess what, 4 of our pc turn off sbb dah habis masa🤣🤣😭

Babe, memang lah dh download, but i didnt manage to save to pendrive, sent to ws or email😭

Go to kaunter, add 1 more hour. Restart, i saw all downloaded dokumen is clear. It's gone!

Go back to kaunter, and ask if pc shut down,mmg all dokumen gone ke. He said yes!! Damn it🤣

Login back my ehouseman, alhamdulillah manage to login n it bring me direct to the last page. Dapatlah download all the dokumen n sent to my email🥲 Drama!!

Help other friends in need

So because of i and ainun had settle ours, i offer for help dalam ws group, who doest get yet. 

First person i tried to help tak dapat log in. But, lastly called me and said another friend had helped her and success. 

Second person that i tried to help, is friend from kelantan. Tetiba laju ye, smooth gila till penempatan, i klik terus negeri kelantan, and choose the hospital she want right away. Itupun tersalah tekan, sbb neves ye. Baca balik, bukan ni. Nasib baik, the right hospital is just below it. Then yeay dapatt dapat!!!

12.50 pm, i managed to help a friend to get her first choice hospital. almost 1 hour after🤣

Meanwhile, ainun pun dapat tolong one friend from terengganu, ana😆 Lajuu juga ainunn kata smooth je. 

Perangai kann pc kat sini, diri sendiri punya slow, tolong orang laju pulak. But maybe because syazwan n syahida in our row dah balik??so laju?? hahaha

That's the end of our story. 

Website crashed is real!!

Awal2 senior ada pesan, jangan malu call kawan untuk minta tlg. 

The night before, saya terfikir okay kot, i do it at cybercafe kot. 2 pc some more. If i cannot, there is still 2 pc spare ainun punya kan. 

Sekali haaaaa, cybercafe tak cybercafe, crashed juga🤣 untuk kes ainun 4 pc couldnt help her. 

Sekian drama eho saya dan temen2. I hope u guys can get some idea on the real situation🤣

Oh btw, this is what website crashed means, it could happen in may ways, antaranya:

-Tak boleh log in langsung/ page login tak keluar, empty white page tertulisnya "database error"

- Manage to login, but hang! Cannot click anything

-Manage to login, can click. But cannot proceed to next page. Pop up red box written " masalah penghantaran data. sila hubungi pentadbir sistem"

-Manage to get to last page= penempatan. But list of hospital is loading gilaaa

-Manage to pick a hospital, but can't click kotak perakuan 

If you rajin read the tele, there is few of people giving suggestion what to. Like some case, dont refresh. Some case, just keep clicking seterusanya. Some case, close all tab and start again. 

I dont know which is which. And i cant remember all the mazhab. After all, when the real situation happens, just do anything to survive. Or call for code blue S.O.S🥲

READ HERE ! for post eho document needed preparation
