
Wednesday 1 June 2022

While waiting for housemanship, what should i do?

 Assalamualaikum & hi guys, 

So today post is not a subsequent from any previous post😂 It just a random post which i feel I wanna share about life after graduate. 

Sekarang, gap lepas grad medical student dan panggilan housemanship dah tak lama macam dulu-dulu yang smpai bertahun. Sekarang dah minimum 6 bulan max up to 7-8 bulan, that's the case kalau korang takde masalah or issues dengan mmc merits, spa and all the way to e-houseman.

So, while waiting for housemanship, probably you've been thinking "what i wanna do?"

Answer is, it all depends on you afterall, depends on what you want to achieve. 

If you ask your senior, some would answer:

1. "Tak payah kerja, relax je chill dekat rumah. Sementara tak ho lagi. Nnti kerja dah penat"

(Truthfully, ni adalah ho ho yang tersakiti dengan workload dan taknak korang rasa susah payah awal2. So the answer is chill je relax😆)

2. "Kerjalah, (any kerja unrelated to med) pick up some knowledges : skill communication and all"

-Ada kawan batch yang kerja dekat hotel, bakery, butik

3. "Kerjalah (med related etc klinik, farmasi) supaya ilmu tak hilang dek zaman😂

4. "Kerjalah (as a research assistant) ada cable nanti kenal ramai org, boleh letak dalam resume etc)

5. Panic tunang and kahwin?

-Ramai juga my batch alhamdulillah melayari bahtera perkahwinan sebelum ho. Happy for them.  I think if you have already one, why not kan sementara tak busy ni😂

6. As cliche as always, study sebelum masuk houseman

-Sekarang, banyak ilmu dah org share online, ramai dr yang share dekat fb, telegram, twitter, dan ada yg jual buku online

-And of course, the famous one Medicorp by Dr iliana team. Ada online, as well face to face hands on procedure, ward simulation.. Sebabkan mereka berpusat di selangor, agak susah juga orang yang jauh2 nak datang. But the online one pun dah okay!


So, above all, which one is me for the 6 months waiting game?

It was 1 and 6! 😂

Menganggur di rumah, buat online bussiness, amik lesen kereta dan join medicorp online course. 

Honestly, if I would rewind my time and my humble advice would be:

Please work for at least few months!

And if i can rewind time, i would definitely wanna work!


Number one, To earn money🥲 I do online bussiness, tapi tak banyak sgt income maybe i do not know how to do it right😂

 Number two, ofcouse to acquire any skill.

 Number three, busy makes you appeciate time. 

 Approaching housemanship, i tell you, you need a lot of moneyyyyy. 

From joining pre-houseman course ( I couldn't join much, sbb sengkek, usually the course dalam ratus ratus juga),

 to preparing dokumen for housemanship (RM100+ juga include duit minyak utk kawan, because we go settle together haha), 

to buying things for housemanship (Rm600+ juga habis) because few things i left at UIA konon taknak bawa balik, probably can jimat few there😂

to deposit money if you want to live in hostel or rumah sewa ( probably need dalam Rm700+ in hand), 

Plus, money you need to have to survive for daily living before dapat gaji. 

That is how much money means begitulah kehidupan. And because im not working, i need to ask from parents and siblings. Feel guilty kan🥲

Besides, memang tak kan study pun bila kat rumah for the first few months, kan baru grad nak study keee😝 and the remaining months malas tu dah sebati susah nak initiate study.

So, if you work in medical related job, it is a bonus. At least, there is triggering factors for you to learn something.  There will always a learning outcomes at the end of the day kan.

Tapi, depends la, ada orang taknak kerja med related, katanya they have enough, nak try benda lain. Terpulang masing2, at least you get what you want.


I only start studying 2 weeks before PTM, tu pun ada senior cakap tak payah study, nanti HO baru study🥲 

But, i just dont want to enter ho without knowing nothing, kalau ada duit, i would definitely join every prehouseman course yang ada.

So, that's the end of it. Anyhow, plan your free time wisely! Doing nothing and relax at home is also a plan haha!


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