
Friday 17 June 2022


 Assalamualaikum & hi guys,

so after dah settle eho, next step is join PTM program!

Basically, ptm ni akan dibuat ikut negeri. 

Semua ho yang dapat hospital in that negeri, akan dapat one venue ptm yang sama sebab ptm ni diuruskan oleh JKN negeri masing2. 

Contohnya, ho hosp kulim, bahiyah alor setar, hsah sungai petani, perlis,langkawi akan buat ptm satu tempat. 

Kami untuk ho June 2022, ptm kedah buat di hotel park avenue, sungai petani. 

So bolehlah you guys reunion dgn kawan2 univ for the last time😂

Okey before that, 

dokumen apa yang kena bawa?

3-6 hari sebelum PTM, JKN negeri masing2 akan buat group telegram dan akan invite korang semua. Masa tulah, akan dapat check list apa yang perlu dibawa, perlu pengesahan atau tidak

*Tips: kalau dah nak dekat PTM dan masih belum ada group atau info dari JKN masing2, sila call JKN negeri dan tanya. Just to trigger them, to make an update and the group, kot2 lah diorang busy sangat tak sempat nak mengurus korang.

Once again, the check list n requirement might be differ from one state to another okay. Mungkin ptm negeri lain perlu pengesahan dokumen, tapi korang tak perlu pun 

So tak payah gelabah bila kawan2 korang busy certify their document. 


Also before ptm, you need to settle the document needed for lapor diri hospital juga siap2. 

Why? Because you need to lapor diri the next day after PTM ends. PTM usually ends on afternoon. So memang tak sempat, kalau habis PTM tu baru nk settelkan.

Where to get the document required for lapor diri hospital? 

Dari admin hospital masing2 juga. Admin kebiasannya akan email sebelum hari PTM bermula. Sila call HR hospital masing2, kalau tak dapat email lagi! 

Admin hospital biasanya akan email as early as 1 week before PTM or the worst is on the morning of PTM. 

*Also, the checklist is differrent according to hospital ya! 

* As a general guide, kami PTM kedah tak perlu pengesahan dokumen & Hospital bahiyah juga tak perlu

Okay settle bab dokumen😂

Now, lets focus on the PTM itself

📝PTM june 2022 dibuat secara face to face

 (the first batch after previously buat online sahaja sbb covid)

📝Berlangsung selama 3 hari 2 malam. 

📝Penginapan hotel disediakan, makan minum disediakan, free of charge

📝Bilik berdua. (Yang ni ada negeri dibenarkan pilih roomate, ada takboleh) So, negeri kedah boleh pilih roomate

📝 Pakaian yang dibenarkan:

Lelaki: Hanya kemeja tangan panjang, seluar slack, kasut gelap, neck tie ( walaupun semasa malam)

Perempuan: Baju apa2 sahaja blouse. I even saw ada pakai shirt juga. Seluar/ skirt labuh boleh. Kasut bertutup tak kisah warna

📝 Jadual dari 8-pagi sehingga 10.30 malam, hari ketiga sehingga 2 petang sahaja. 

Talk semata mata. Tak ada aktiviti berkumpulan, atau aktiviti riadah. 

📝 Ada markah ya PTM ni! Sort of carrymark sepanjang PTM. Markah attendance, markah komitmen, markah exam. 

-Yes ada exam! But dont worry so much! Boleh relax ya, just enjoy your ptm. Because we got bank questions PTM turun temurun😝 

-You can easily get 20/20 full mark. Dan memang ramai yang dapat full mark. So you can keep your nervous inside your pocket🤣

- For markah komitmen, you can offer to be penghulu/penghuluwati, pembaca ikrar, baca doa, mc or tanya and jawab soalan. 

Dont worry they will choose anyone or ask for volunteer, dorang pun nak bantu bagi korang markah!

Soalan exam PTM dapatkan disini:

📝 No need to bring so much clothes ☝️ I bring so much lol🥲

 As a guide, satu baju pakai satu hari dari pagi ke malam untuk talk PTM tu. Tak payah mimpi nak mandi and changes cloth for night talk🌚 Sebab tak sempat ya, jadual sangat padat and rush. 

Majority will not change their cloth pun, bukan anda keseorangan. Nobody will judge, orang pun faham, orang lain pun pakai baju sama je malam🤣. Kalau sempat mandi n tukar baju, you're among the minority la lol🌚

Other than that, bawa la baju bilik dua/satu untuk tido dua malam tu. 

Iron takperlu bawa, each room got iron n iron board (Well im not sure ya if ptm negeri lain)


I think thats all kot!  i enjoyed my ptm and i hope you guys too!!

Thursday 2 June 2022

Cheklist things to buy for housemanship

 Assalamualaikum and hi guys,

Okay, it seems you are closer now to your working life as a HO!

Nervous kann? I been there too😂 

If you have not read yet my previous post related to document needed post E-HO preparation,

READ HERE! (2022)

Now, let's see, what you need to buy or have then. If you have it, then no need to buy new one. 

Jimat jimat okay! And the amount list is the minimum that you need. And if you think some things are not needed, then it is okay. 

Especially guy usually go simple, as long as you have your pen, name tag, lanyard, cop you're good to go kann??? haha!

Okay, here is the list

(in short, as list above) klik utk besarkan

Explanation as below!


Lanyard & card holder  (1) : recommend to be black, or any color yang gelap. Especially for guy, nanti peluh apa semua, because it direct contact with your skin. 

Stamp (2): if you are using pocket stamp, shiny brand is better than colop * just find in shopee

For format of the stamp, please clarify with your senior

                Usually blue ink , and format like this






Some said to put siswazah, some said no need to put the states. Okay je ! Without the siswazah, and negeri pun dah acceptable!

Link shopee for stamp:

Name tag (1-2) No need to put Dr in front. Standard size 76x 25 mm. Usually pin type. Clarify with your senior, ada hospital kena letak Dr

        Link shopee for name tag: size 76x25mm

Measuring tape (1)

Torchlight (1)

Stethoscope (1)

Tudung sarung hijau for OT ( emereld green) (1)

Kasut skechers & seangkatannya (1) 

 Kasut formal gelap ( PTM &orientasi)

 White coat (1-2) : ask senior,some hospital no need anymore to use after covid era

Power bank (1)

Big water bottle (1) 

Pen hitam banyakkkkkkkk & pen merah sikitt 

Passport photos ( 18-20 pieces): for lapor diri banyakk sgt guna

Buku drug dose ( for paed posting), paed protocol (1)

Optional untuk keselesaaan:

Stuff for working attire


 ironless blouse (3)

 Ironless tudung, tudung sarung etc, jersey shawl or anything (3) 

 Sling bag  (1)


Guys: i dont know! probably some kemeja, slack pants . shirt berkolar to for night

Both: Scrub ( for oncall and night shift) ( 1-2)

           * I just use med school scrub first cause no money haha, as long as no logo u are safe for safer working environment lol

  OT shoes (1)- you can just use any shoes yang ada in OT if u want

Mini stapler (1)to stapler anything, easier. Hang on your lanyard

Mini calculator (1)can use your phone if u dont want. Better if you can sangkut the calculator behind your card holder. 


Link for lanyard, card holder, stapler, calculator:

This one is already one set, and the calculator already fit the back of the card holder, but the service is quite slow, kena bersabau!

                         (something like this)

 Actually from this tele gp: 

  Bolehlah join!

This is mine ! 
Tambah retractable metal string sebab senang nak tarik untuk cop dan stapler dokumen. 

Link retractable metal

I think that's all you need. Okay bye!

📝UPDATE AFTER 3 postings

- Ohhhhhhh, my last advice is dont spend to much money on buying things for ho!

The solely main things you need 


-card holder

-cop x 2


-good shoes

-OT things ( tudung hijau, kasut ot)

- hundred of pensssssssssssssss

-girls: ironless blouse+ ironless tudung

+sling bag

this is the basic needs for my every day as a HO now


Related post:


Post- EHO preparations (2022)

    Assalamualaikum and hi guys,

Ini adalah sambungan from previous post E-ho: READ HERE

So now, alhamdulillah you had get your placement after the nerve-wrecking E-HO hahaha!


Then, let's see what you need to do:

I did this for my June intake 2022 (Bilangan 3/2022)

1. Make sure download all the 4 documents at the eho last page.

For the mean time, paling penting is the surat tawaran  (1 copy) & borang perjanjian (3 copies).

 These two you need to have to proceed to the next steps. 

But still, make sure to download all the 4 documents before eho day ended (eho usually open for 3 days)

2. Download these documents:

Surat akuan berkanun: ( 1copy)

Borang medical check up (1 copy)

3. Okay now, settle these:

a. Medical check up: Book Klinik Kesihatan appointment  

Kedah : use this link

Other states: Open mysejahtera apps--> digital healthcare--> clinic app booking

*anyhow if you are not sure, just call the KK nearby your house & ask 

Remarks: What to bring on day of check up? 

*1 borang medical checkup, 1 surat tawaran, IC card, RM1 for registration

    #extra: 1 salinan ic, 1 salinan degree, 1 salinan transcript & spm ( if u still have the one been certify before for the application of spa letter, then no need)

* Tips: Ask the attending dr to certify the surat tawaran (only first 3 pages) - important to be uploaded on mmc merit later & also the salinan IC, degree, surat tawaran, spm  (for lapor diri later)

*Make sure at the end, ur borang med check up (completed 3 cop):

      ✨  have attending dr's cop sign

     ✨   saksi's cop and sign (anyone from the "list pegawai yang boleh sahkan" but not the attending dr, can ask from other dr in the same room) 

* yes saksi med checkup, not necessarily only dr ya! If dr, no specific grade as long their has nombor pendaftaran penuh

       ✨  cop lab/makmal

*Just follow the flow of ur KK- may be diff with other KK- some include xray in the med check up, some KK - dentist the one check your mouth 

*Can you do at private? Can, but i recommend KK, you can certify ur surat tawaran and other document w the gov dr, you can get cop makmal, cheaper!

b. Setel LHDN stuff:

Walk in to LHDN (no need appointment)

-Bring the 3 copies of borang perjanjian kontrak. And follow the guideline on how to fill it & sign. 

✨Saksi part can be anyone that you're familiar with or know- whom aged 21 y/o and above & have income- etc family member, lecturer, neighbour..

✨ Tarikh perjanjian = Tarikh matikan stem

-Buy 3 stem hasil 

Two ways to buy:

1. Pos laju (ask for 3 stem hasil, 1 cost RM10)


2. Direct to LHDN, said want to buy stem hasil

*both stem are different, both can be used 

*if u buy from lhdn, the stem is in printed A4 size, if buy from poslaju, it's the usual size stem

Remarks: 3 things to be settle at LHDN:

1. Matikan stem (3 borang perjanjian kontrak)- do not stapler, fold, dirty the borang!!! Please mention to the LDHN staff to not stapler, if not u'll need to redo (happen to few of my friends)

2. Ask the LHDN staff " nak daftar no cukai" dan "nak slip no cukai"

-don't be shocked if some of you have already had the account- probably because of your previous pinjaman pelajaran etc

-if you do not have the account, register and need to wait for 1 week to come again and ask them to print the slip

3. Ask them to get no e-filling

-if you already had the account, you can directly get it. This can be done online too.

-if you do not have account yet, need to wait for a while till u get the no cukai.

-But, this no e-filling is just for ur future usage, not needed before lapor diri. So xde pun takpe. Ada lhdn tak nak bagi nombor ni, sbb takut hilang. 

c. Settle the surat akuan

Find pesuruh jaya sumpah office, can just walk in

Pay rm 4


1. Bring 1 copy of surat akuan berkanun, 1 copy of surat tawaran

                                            (Panduan isi surat akuan, klik utk besarkan)

d. Settle kwsp
-Said you want to register as "ahli baru"
-Get the slip penyata

e. Bank statement
Go to any bank that you owned, and said 
you offered a gov job, need letter for confirmation account 
letter should have name &bank account number + signed by bank officer

Most people recommend to use Maybank, maybank got a lot of features- contactless withdrawal, easy to buy gold etc. Adulting stuff haha. 
If you need to go to Maybank, make appointment via online first. Google maybank appointment online. 
Ingat yaa buat appointment first if maybank!

                    f. Wait for MMC merit to open for provisional registration
Upload your surat tawaran that have been certified (only the first 3 pages) on the first page & no 8 of supporting detail (employment letter from MOH)

All other document is already there from ur previous mmc application

When it will be open?
-Usually the official announcement 3 days after eho days end
-Some had uploaded even before the announcement, would i recommend?
Just do it! The faster you apply, the faster you get the number, the faster you can do the cop
(As long as u do it right haha, pentingnya surat tawaran certified, tick all the fitness to practise, acknowledgement) you good to go!

*Make sure the status is "waiting for review" not "draft" okay!

-After you get the number of provisional registration, you can do the cop
(Remember it is not the mpm number, it is the provisional registration number for the cop)

Certify the provisional registration cerficate
Tips: better to wait for the ptm letter too, then certify them all

                          *   g. Wait for ptm letter 
 Then  certify the surat panggilan ptm
-Photostat all the document needed according to checklist and double check how many copies needed 
-Checklist akan dapat dalam group telegram negeri masing2 bila nak dekat ptm nanti. Kalau nak dekat PTM, takde group tele lagi, sila call JKN negeri masing2 dan tanya untuk trigger dorang buat kerja😂

-As a general guideline for u to have idea on the document needed, we are asked to bring:
📝Surat profail peserta ptm (download from e-ho when the system open again for ptm)
📝Surat tawaran 
📝 Salinan of medical checkup
📝 Sijil pendaftaran sementara mmc ( download from mmc website after they approve)
-MMC will give you 2 document ( cover letter & sijil), document titled 'sijil' is the one 
*all no need certified

*Again, the checklist are differ according to states

                      *  h. Wait for lapor diri
Also check again how many copies needed, it differ according to hospital. Biasanya hospital akan email dokumen yang diperlukan. Kalau dah nak dekat sangat tarikh lapor diri, tapi email takde lagi. Sila call HR hospital untuk trigger dorang email

So i think that's enough for post eho related to document needed.
* Dokumen untuk ptm dan lapor diri di hospital bergantung negeri dan hospital masing2. 
-Ada yang tak perlu sahkan dokumen, ada yang perlu sahkan
-Seperti kami negeri kedah, dokumen untuk PTM tak perlu sahkan, begitu juga untuk hospital sultanah bahiyah untuk intake june 2022
-Jangan terikut2 dengan kawan hospital lain


*Ada persoalan yang femes isu sahkan ni: nak certify satu dokumen dan fotostat banyak2 salinan
buat fotostat/print banyak2 salinan dan sahkan semua?

Ini saya pun tak tahu☝️😂 Ada orang kata cara 1 boleh, tapi selamat fotostat color. Ada yang kata cara dua yang sebenarnya

Tak taulahhh sebab hospital saya tak perlu sahkan!🍂🚶

Now let's read on, 
what things you need to buy or have before lapor diri 

Till then, 

P/s: Probably if you read this, im already working as a HO. Hope this sharing helps you, and please spare some time to pray for me " Semoga hari widad harini dipermudahkan, boss baik2 dan mengajar, patient baik, "

Manalah tauu, berkat doa anda, today is my best day ever working as a HO! 

Thank youuu~~





Wednesday 1 June 2022

While waiting for housemanship, what should i do?

 Assalamualaikum & hi guys, 

So today post is not a subsequent from any previous post😂 It just a random post which i feel I wanna share about life after graduate. 

Sekarang, gap lepas grad medical student dan panggilan housemanship dah tak lama macam dulu-dulu yang smpai bertahun. Sekarang dah minimum 6 bulan max up to 7-8 bulan, that's the case kalau korang takde masalah or issues dengan mmc merits, spa and all the way to e-houseman.

So, while waiting for housemanship, probably you've been thinking "what i wanna do?"

Answer is, it all depends on you afterall, depends on what you want to achieve. 

If you ask your senior, some would answer:

1. "Tak payah kerja, relax je chill dekat rumah. Sementara tak ho lagi. Nnti kerja dah penat"

(Truthfully, ni adalah ho ho yang tersakiti dengan workload dan taknak korang rasa susah payah awal2. So the answer is chill je relax😆)

2. "Kerjalah, (any kerja unrelated to med) pick up some knowledges : skill communication and all"

-Ada kawan batch yang kerja dekat hotel, bakery, butik

3. "Kerjalah (med related etc klinik, farmasi) supaya ilmu tak hilang dek zaman😂

4. "Kerjalah (as a research assistant) ada cable nanti kenal ramai org, boleh letak dalam resume etc)

5. Panic tunang and kahwin?

-Ramai juga my batch alhamdulillah melayari bahtera perkahwinan sebelum ho. Happy for them.  I think if you have already one, why not kan sementara tak busy ni😂

6. As cliche as always, study sebelum masuk houseman

-Sekarang, banyak ilmu dah org share online, ramai dr yang share dekat fb, telegram, twitter, dan ada yg jual buku online

-And of course, the famous one Medicorp by Dr iliana team. Ada online, as well face to face hands on procedure, ward simulation.. Sebabkan mereka berpusat di selangor, agak susah juga orang yang jauh2 nak datang. But the online one pun dah okay!


So, above all, which one is me for the 6 months waiting game?

It was 1 and 6! 😂

Menganggur di rumah, buat online bussiness, amik lesen kereta dan join medicorp online course. 

Honestly, if I would rewind my time and my humble advice would be:

Please work for at least few months!

And if i can rewind time, i would definitely wanna work!


Number one, To earn money🥲 I do online bussiness, tapi tak banyak sgt income maybe i do not know how to do it right😂

 Number two, ofcouse to acquire any skill.

 Number three, busy makes you appeciate time. 

 Approaching housemanship, i tell you, you need a lot of moneyyyyy. 

From joining pre-houseman course ( I couldn't join much, sbb sengkek, usually the course dalam ratus ratus juga),

 to preparing dokumen for housemanship (RM100+ juga include duit minyak utk kawan, because we go settle together haha), 

to buying things for housemanship (Rm600+ juga habis) because few things i left at UIA konon taknak bawa balik, probably can jimat few there😂

to deposit money if you want to live in hostel or rumah sewa ( probably need dalam Rm700+ in hand), 

Plus, money you need to have to survive for daily living before dapat gaji. 

That is how much money means begitulah kehidupan. And because im not working, i need to ask from parents and siblings. Feel guilty kan🥲

Besides, memang tak kan study pun bila kat rumah for the first few months, kan baru grad nak study keee😝 and the remaining months malas tu dah sebati susah nak initiate study.

So, if you work in medical related job, it is a bonus. At least, there is triggering factors for you to learn something.  There will always a learning outcomes at the end of the day kan.

Tapi, depends la, ada orang taknak kerja med related, katanya they have enough, nak try benda lain. Terpulang masing2, at least you get what you want.


I only start studying 2 weeks before PTM, tu pun ada senior cakap tak payah study, nanti HO baru study🥲 

But, i just dont want to enter ho without knowing nothing, kalau ada duit, i would definitely join every prehouseman course yang ada.

So, that's the end of it. Anyhow, plan your free time wisely! Doing nothing and relax at home is also a plan haha!
